Unlock Fantastic Adventures with Our Exclusive £20 Refer a Friend Offer!

Start planning your next magical getaway to incredible destinations worldwide, enjoy unforgettable moments, and great savings. At MagicBreaks, we’re happy to offer our exclusive Refer a Friend offer!


Upon booking a holiday with MagicBreaks, you'll receive a unique code to share with a friend, family member, or loved one. Once they confirm a booking with us, both of you will be rewarded with a £20 Amazon Voucher that you can use however you like!


Whether you're planning a family getaway to Disneyland® Paris, seeking sun-soaked days in Florida or Dubai, or dreaming of a snowy Lapland adventure with Santa, our commitment is to elevate your experience into something special, more than just ordinary – something truly magical.


At MagicBreaks, we believe that the joy of travel is best enjoyed when shared. That's why our Refer a Friend Travel Deal is designed to thank you for sharing these adventures with your nearest and dearest!


Book easily with MagicBreaks online, or call our dedicated team on 0330 880 5001!


Happy holiday planning!
Team MB

